Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Election Prediction: Trump 349-Buttigieg 186

Iowa caucus:

1. Buttigieg
2. Sanders
3. Warren
4. Biden

New Hampshire:

1. Sanders
2. Buttigieg
3. Warren
4. Biden
After a long a bitter nomination fight, Buttigieg triumphs as corporate Democrats consolidate around him.

In the general election, Trump beats Buttigieg 349-186 in the electoral college (holding all his 2016 states + VA-ME-MN-NV-NH)
51-49 for Trump in the two-party popular vote.

Method: 1. Give CA to the Dems with 2016 vote totals
2. Apply Fair model % to rest of country
3. Move every state except CA 2% over to Trump

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1 comment:

  1. Well, got that one wrong. Thank God, since Pete was the most totalitarian of all the Democrats running in 2020. But he'll be back...
